Support Madison Music

  • Kroger Community Rewards

    Register your Kroger Plus card and choose Madison Music Boosters (organization #97286 ) as your charity. Then every time you shop at Krogers and swipe your Plus card, Kroger will make a donation to the Music Boosters, at no cost to you!
  • Amazon Smile

    Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Madison Music Boosters whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. Same products, same prices, same service. No cost to you! Support the Music Boosters by starting your shopping at
  • GFS

    When you shop at GFS, tell the cashier your purchase is for the Madison Music Boosters. Please also tell the cashier to look for the entry with "Joe Solomito" listed as the contact person. This will not cost you anything, but will add a credit to the Music Boosters' account, which saves money when we purchase food to feed the band and guard, or to sell at the basketball concession stand.